Amiga Magazin: Amiga-CD 1996 November & December
Amiga-CD 1996 #11-12.iso
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354 lines
; $VER: V42PrinterInstall 42.3 (31.1.95)
; Script to install V42 printer.device
; Set up text strings
(set #introduction
(cat "\n\nThis program lets you install V42 of the printer.device "
"onto a hard drive.\nV42 of the printer.device provides "
"multi-threaded multi-printer support, printer management, "
"and printing to files.\n\n"
"Please refer to the documentation and software for "
"distribution and copyright information."))
(set #ask-old
(cat "Do you wish to save the V3x printer files?"))
(set #ask-old-help
(cat "Answering YES will make the install save the old printer "
"related files to a specified directory. Otherwise, the files "
"will be deleted.\n\n"))
(set #where-old
(cat "In which directory should the OLD printer files be placed?"))
(set #where-old-help
(cat "This section lets you choose on which hard drive directory the "
"old printer.device related files should go.\n\n"
(set #where-device
(cat "In which directory should the V42 printer.device be installed?"))
(set #where-device-help
(cat "This section lets you choose on which hard drive directory the "
"V42 printer.device will be installed. This should normally go "
"to the same directory as the V3x printer.device.\n\n"
(set #where-handler
(cat "In which directory should the V42 printer-handler be installed?"))
(set #where-handler-help
(cat "This section lets you choose on which hard drive directory the "
"V42 printer-handler will be installed. This should normally go "
"to the same directory as the V3x dos handlers.\n\n"
(set #where-dosdriver
(cat "In which directory should the V42 PRT: mountlist be installed?"))
(set #where-dosdriver-help
(cat "This section lets you choose on which hard drive directory the "
"V42 PRT: mountlist will be installed. This should normally go "
"to the same directory as the V3x mountlists.\n\n"
(set #where-prefs
(cat "In which directory should the V42 Printer prefs be installed?"))
(set #where-prefs-help
(cat "This section lets you choose on which hard drive directory the "
"V42 Printer prefs will be installed. This should normally go "
"to the same directory as the V3x preferences programs.\n\n"
(set #where-prtmgr
(cat "In which directory should the V42 Printer Manager be installed?"))
(set #where-prtmgr-help
(cat "This section lets you choose on which hard drive directory the "
"V42 Printer Manager will be installed.\n\n"
(set #ask-postscript
(cat "Do you wish to patch to PostScript driver to allow multiple "
"postscript printers?"))
(set #ask-postscript-help
(cat "Answering YES will make the install patch the PostScript "
"driver. Version 39.1 of the driver is required.\n\n"))
(set #where-postscript
(cat "In which directory should the V42 PostScript driver be installed?"))
(set #where-postscript-help
(cat "This section lets you choose on which hard drive directory the "
"V42 PostScript driver will be installed. This should normally go "
"to the same directory as the V3x printer drivers.\n\n"
(set #where-v39postscript
(cat "Please locate the V39.1 PostScript driver."))
(set #where-v39postscript-help
(cat "The V39.1 PostScript driver is required for the V42.1 patch.\n\n"
(set #which-ports
(cat "Which printer ports do you wish to have installed?"))
(set #ask-prt
(cat "In order to use the new PRT: handler, "
"the following commands are needed. "
"Do you want them added to your startup?\n\n"
"assign PRT: dismount\nmount PRT:\n\n"
"NOTE: PRT: will not be mounted until you reboot."))
(set #ask-prt-help
(cat "The listed commands are required to dismount the old PRT: and "
"mount the new PRT: using the installed mountlist. "
"If you request it, the installer will add the necessary commands "
"to your user-startup script, which is run when your machine boots. "
"If you decide not to allow the installer to make these changes, "
"you will need to make them yourself."))
; Introduction
(complete 0)
(message #introduction)
(set old-level @user-level)
; Get information from the user
(set yn-saveold (askbool (prompt #ask-old)
(help #ask-old-help)
(default 1)))
(if (= yn-saveold 1)
(set target-old (askdir (prompt #where-old)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:Old")
(set target-device (askdir (prompt #where-device)
(help #where-device-help)
(default "DEVS:")
(set yn-postscript (askbool (prompt #ask-postscript)
(help #ask-postscript-help)
(default 1)))
(if (= yn-postscript 1)
(set target-postscript (askdir (prompt #where-postscript)
(help #where-postscript-help)
(default "PRINTERS:")
(set target-handler (askdir (prompt #where-handler)
(help #where-handler-help)
(default "L:")
(set target-dosdriver (askdir (prompt #where-dosdriver)
(help #where-dosdriver-help)
(default "DEVS:DosDrivers")
(set target-prefs (askdir (prompt #where-prefs)
(help #where-prefs-help)
(default "SYS:Prefs")
(set target-prtmgr (askdir (prompt #where-prtmgr)
(help #where-prtmgr-help)
(default "SYS:System")
(set list-ports (askoptions (prompt #which-ports)
(choices "Amiga Internal Parallel"
"Amiga Internal Serial"
"Print to File"
"No Output Device"
(set @default-dest "RAM:")
; Save the old files if requested
(if (= yn-saveold 1)
(if (exists (tackon target-device "printer.device"))
(set result (run (cat "Version " (tackon target-device "printer.device")
(if (> result 0)
(copyfiles (source (tackon target-device "printer.device")) (dest target-old))
(complete 4)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "Printer"))
(set result (run (cat "Version " (tackon target-prefs "Printer")
(if (> result 0)
(copyfiles (source (tackon target-prefs "Printer")) (dest target-old))
(complete 8)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "Printer.info"))
(copyfiles (source (tackon target-prefs "Printer.info")) (dest target-old))
(complete 12)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx"))
(copyfiles (source (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx")) (dest target-old))
(complete 16)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx.info"))
(copyfiles (source (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx.info")) (dest target-old))
(complete 20)
; Delete the V39 files
(if (exists (tackon target-device "printer.device"))
(delete (tackon target-device "printer.device"))
(complete 24)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "Printer"))
(delete (tackon target-prefs "Printer"))
(complete 28)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "Printer.info"))
(delete (tackon target-prefs "Printer.info"))
(complete 32)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx"))
(delete (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx"))
(complete 36)
(if (exists (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx.info"))
(delete (tackon target-prefs "PrinterGfx.info"))
(complete 40)
; Install the V42 files
(copyfiles (source "printer.device") (dest target-device))
(complete 44)
(if (= yn-postscript 1)
(user 2)
(set file-v39postscript (askfile (prompt #where-v39postscript)
(help #where-v39postscript-help)
(default "PRINTERS:PostScript")))
(user old-level)
(set result (run (cat "patches/SPatch -o" (tackon target-postscript "PostScript")
" -ppatches/PostScript.pch " file-v39postscript)))
(if (> result 0)
(complete 48)
(copyfiles (source "printer-handler") (dest target-handler))
(complete 52)
(copyfiles (source "PRT") (dest target-dosdriver))
(complete 58)
(copyfiles (source "Printer") (dest target-prefs))
(complete 60)
(copyfiles (source "Printer.info") (dest target-prefs))
(complete 64)
(copyfiles (source "PrtMgr") (dest target-prtmgr))
(complete 68)
(copyfiles (source "PrtMgr.info") (dest target-prtmgr))
(complete 72)
(if (not (exists (tackon target-device "PrinterPorts")))
(makedir (tackon target-device "PrinterPorts") (infos))
(complete 76)
(if (in list-ports 0)
(copyfiles (source "PrinterPorts/Parallel 0.info") (dest (tackon target-device "PrinterPorts")))
(complete 80)
(if (in list-ports 1)
(copyfiles (source "PrinterPorts/Serial 0.info") (dest (tackon target-device "PrinterPorts")))
(complete 84)
(if (in list-ports 2)
(copyfiles (source "PrinterPorts/File.info") (dest (tackon target-device "PrinterPorts")))
(complete 88)
(if (in list-ports 3)
(copyfiles (source "PrinterPorts/No Port.info") (dest (tackon target-device "PrinterPorts")))
(complete 92)
(if (in list-ports 4)
(copyfiles (source "PrinterPorts/Envoy.info") (dest (tackon target-device "PrinterPorts")))
(complete 96)
; Modify the User-Startup to mount PRT:
(startup "V42 printer.device" (prompt #ask-prt)
(command "assign PRT: dismount\nmount PRT:\n")
(help #ask-prt-help))
(complete 100)